…and another thing

Semester #7 out of 10 is in the books as of 3AM last night, and I’m feeling free-range at the moment because of it. The list of topics I wanted to post on, but simply ended up filing away over the past week or so, is rather large and at this very moment is burning a hole through my head, so I’m gonna drop it like it’s hot right now like Richard Jeni would if he were still alive (RIP):

Republicans and U.S. attorneys (quotes from 1993 and today) – by Glen GreenwaldSupport the Troops

Rich Keep getting Richer – A new high for the top 1% and a new low for everybody else. The Republican tax cuts are redistributing more wealth upwards than ever before.

George Bush’s Land Mine: If the Iraqi People Get Revenue Sharing, They Lose Their Oil to Exxon – by Richard Behan – A provision in the emergency funding bill for the war has thus far gon e undetected or ignored by Congress, that pertains to Iraq’s oil. This essay sheds some much needed light on what appears to be a trojan horse.

Pat Robertson has a college, and 150 graduates of that school work for the Bush Administration – including Monica Goodling (pleading the 5th rather than testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee)

Jim Cramer’s Guide to Market Manipulation – NYTimes Blog – I had a note written beside this one to search for the source article on TheStreet.com, but Cramer writes about 300 things a day on there, and I ain’t got no time for shuckin’ and jivin’.

Judge in Anna Nicole’s case found smoking marijuana – This guy was a real piece of work, with the way he played it up for the cameras during that hearing on Anna’s remains, crying at the end…I turned to Heather and pointed out the fact that he was a dead ringer for the Finklestein character on Dharma and Greg. So this headline made that observation worthy of another laugh or two, but his 15 minutes are now up. What they’ve got to do now, is somehow get Judge Ito to take a job in Florida and preside over Howard K. Stern’s murder trial.

And finally, some solid words pertaining to that champion of the transgender community, Ann Coulter from ‘The Coulterization of the American right‘ – by Gary Kamiya:

For this isn’t really about Coulter at all. This is about a pact the American right made with the devil, a pact the devil is now coming to collect on. American conservatism sold its soul to the Coulters and Limbaughs of the world to gain power, and now that its ideology has been exposed as empty and its leadership incompetent and corrupt, free-floating hatred is the only thing it has to offer. The problem, for the GOP, is that this isn’t a winning political strategy anymore — but they’re stuck with it. They’re trapped. They need the bigoted and reactionary base they helped create, but the very fanaticism that made the True Believers such potent shock troops will prevent the Republicans from achieving Karl Rove’s dream of long-term GOP domination.

F Jackie!

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