Sibel Edmonds

I’d never heard of this woman until today. I think someone should check into this. Perhaps someone like Henry Waxman or Patrick Leahy even. The short version is that this woman speaks several languages, and was working for the FBI before and after 9/11 as a translator. She came across information regarding Turkish businesses and their connections with Dennis Hassert, Richard Pearle and Doug Feith. She went up the chain with what she had, but it was GOP-town back then, so naturally they accused her of something, ransacked her home, made her take a polygraph, and when there wasn’t anything to prove she was doing anything wrong, they fired her. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. I haven’t gotten through even half of what I want to read on this topic, and I’m already hooked. Have at it – her website – an interview she gave, and one piece by someone named Chris Floyd on a site called Empire Burlesque.

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