Looking Back

The amount of time it takes to read up on everything that’s going on is prohibitive when it comes to relating what I think about all of it here. First is the task of taking it all in and having some time to toss it around upstairs before turning a john the baptist with the keyboard, and what stands out most I’ve found, is the stark difference between obscurity and saturation, mostly in regards to the enormous amount of facts and quotes provided to bulk up each case making headlines. Now that Democrats can decide what the conversation on CSPAN is going to be each week, the open wounds that had been festering for years already, now suddenly become worth everybody’s attention. Whether it’s the Ahab strategy in Iraq, troops under equipped and denied benefits as a business model, lack of law-abiding officials in the federal government in general, let alone the fact that a senator will lean on a US attorney right before an election to ‘get busy embarrassing Democrats before it’s too late’ or to chant ‘free the duke-ster, free the duke-ster’, a foreign person will be arbitrarily chosen by the fates to be deemed suspicious (unlucky) enough for detention in one of Americas -3 star accommodations worldwide, where the ‘death to America’ people are designed, manufactured, tortured, boxed and shipped.

Scandals are piling up, and the connection within all of them is turdblossom. His chubby fingerprints are all over the justice department mess, and he was in on the effort to out Wilson’s wife. This government has seen more talent run out the door these past few years than we can even imagine. The sanctity of oaths taken to oneself, God, the job that requires it – all go undervalued in this Republican universe, as above such piddly nonsense is always the #1 deity here on earth, the Party! Lawyers, doctors, scientists, soldiers – all of what makes these people relevant and a testament to our country’s greatness, happens outside of the blue and red arena. These people keep us legitimate even when we look like clowns on the world stage, but when they’re under pressure to ignore their oath and call it all the boss’s way, all they really become are bodies bearing college degrees, aspirations and zero capacity for shame. They’ve circumvented reality to the point where telling the truth is somehow unpatriotic.

And for the record…Newt Gingrich admitting that he was having an affair while at the same time busting on Clinton for the same thing, is a bit of everything if you ever need help describing the Republican mindset at this point in our history. He wasn’t wrong back then because of a technical explanation that has to be 100% separate from the logic used today in the case of arguing for why Scooter Libby deserves a pardon. They both deal with the same crimes and questions of character, but forget about all that. Gingrich is the quintessential Republican of this era simply because he knows full well that he’s dirty and needs to repent, but he’s going to act ‘as if’ and count on the ‘gimme – gimme – gimme’ nature of his party’s base, conform to specific pockets of delusion, and insist that up is down to a high enough degree that it manages to work as well as it did in the 90s. He won’t change, just like the Dobson evangelicals won’t change, and the fantasy Republican voter’s stomach for hypocrisy won’t change.

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One Response to Looking Back

  1. James says:

    You go get em Dead I. Wait, does this mean we get Hillary?

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